6 Fun Ways to Encourage Your Child to Become Excited to Learn About Their Dental Health
Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential for everyone, and it is never too early to start instilling healthy dental habits in children. And when it comes to kids, convincing them to take care of their teeth and gums can be a daunting task, as it may not seem as fun or exciting as other activities. Parents and caregivers can incorporate fun and engaging activities into their daily routines to make dental health more appealing to children. Check out these fun ideas if you’re wondering how to teach your children about oral health.
How to Teach Your Children About Oral Health
Getting kids to brush and floss their teeth can be a challenging endeavor. And why wouldn’t it be? With so many more fun options available to kids today, they won’t place brushing their teeth at the top of their list of things they want to do. But the more kids are involved in their dental health, the more ownership they will take. Plus, according to the National Library of Medicine, if a child’s parents brush their teeth twice a day, kids are more likely to brush their teeth twice a day too. So as we share this list of helpful tips, remember that kids tend to model their parent’s behaviors.
1. Read your kids some dental-related books.
Most parents know that one way to assist young children in developing language skills is by reading to them. Reading to your kids introduces them to new words and ways of utilizing language. Additionally, it enables them to gain general knowledge about the world, which ultimately aids in their ability to comprehend new topics once they begin their formal education. So why not pick some kid-friendly books on dental topics that you can read together? Try Llama “Llama Loose Tooth Drama” or “Why Do I Need to Brush My Teeth?” to get started.
2. Do a dental-themed craft.
Kids love letting loose with their creativity. So the next time they want to get those creative juices flowing, try a dental-themed craft. Make some paper cutouts of kids brushing their teeth, or make some teeth out of felt and decorate them with felt pieces that represent foods suitable for their teeth (or not). Even better, create a toothbrushing chart that can be hung in the bathroom. Use this printable version to help inspire you to get your art on.
3. Play songs about brushing your teeth.
Toothbrushing songs are quite the rage for younger kids. Not only do they teach your child about the importance of good oral health, but they are also often timed for two minutes, so you can use them to ensure your child brushes for long enough. Some kid favorites include “Brush Your Teeth” by Super Simple Songs or “Hacky Smacky” by Hooray Kids Songs and Nursery Rhymes.
4. Let your child pick out their own toothbrush and toothpaste.
Getting buy-in from your kids regarding their oral care is critical. So pack the kids in the car, get those seatbelts on, and head to your local convenience store and check out the dental aisle. Many kid-friendly toothbrushes are available, including electric toothbrushes that can help them more thoroughly clean their teeth. Manual toothbrushes are great, too, as long as they are designed for your child’s age.
5. Try some tooth jokes to get your kids laughing.
Who doesn’t love a good joke? Share a new dental joke with your child each night before their toothbrushing routine. This is a great way to get them laughing and solidifies that toothbrushing is simply something they must do. Encourage your child to make up some fun dental jokes of their own. You never know, you might have a budding comedian on your hands.
6. Respect your child’s dental anxiety.
According to the National Library of Medicine, an estimated 7% of kids have a fear of the dentist by age seven. And over 16% of adults are anxious about the dentist too. Parents need to understand how to support and respect their child’s concerns. One approach is to talk with your child about their fears and reassure them that their feelings are valid. Or, contact your pediatric dentist to schedule a tour of the office. Many dentists are happy to accommodate an office tour to help kids know what to expect on appointment day.
Pediatric Dental Specialists can help your child’s toothbrushing routine.
Pediatric Dental Specialists in Kearney know how to help kids understand their oral health and their role in protecting those pearly whites with good oral hygiene. So, don’t think you’re on your own when it comes to teaching your kids how to brush and care for their teeth and gums. We’re your partner from your child’s infancy through adolescence. Request an appointment today so we can help.