Is My Baby Teething? 5 Hints That They Are and 5 Symptoms That Mean Something More

Signs of teething

The Teething Adventure

Calling teething an adventure feels a little bit misleading at times. Your little angel might not be the happiest in the world when they are cutting those teeth, making you question your sanity.

But seeing those very first teeth poke against the gums does something to our hearts. Those two front teeth are just so cute! But that’s just the first set. After those front teeth make their way into the world, teething no longer feels “adorable.” With each tooth that comes in, the symptoms seem to get just a little worse and take just a little longer. Eventually, you’re checking online to see how many your little one has left.

It’s easy to blame every symptom on teething: inevitable tantrums, unexplainable crying fits, a fever, all of the drool. But are all of these symptoms of teething? At what point do we need to be concerned about something else and take them to the doctor?

5 Sure Signs of Teething

Those first baby teeth start to come in somewhere around 6 months old. Though those first little teeth can be adorable, they can sometimes throw your life into a whirlwind. But don’t worry. It’s temporary! 

Do you think your little one is getting a tooth? Here are the five most common teething signs:

Red, Sore Gums

Considering there are tiny teeth trying to break free, it’s completely understandable that those gums will be a little red and sore! 

Baby Chewing on Everything

Yes. Everything. The edges of the crib? The windowsill? The edges of the shopping cart? Nothing is off-limits (at least to them). 

Minor Fussiness

Note how this says minor fussiness. It’s completely understandable if your little one is a little more irritable as the teeth try to break through the gums, but they shouldn’t be inconsolable. 


We’ve all either seen the babies who are constantly wearing bibs. There’s no judgment here—you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do to survive the constant drool!

Facial Rash

Facial rashes are often caused by excessive drooling. To help minimize them, it’s important to try and keep the area dry. This can prove difficult with some children. You’ve just got to do the best you can.

5 Signs It Could Be Something Else

Runny Nose

If your child has a runny or stuffy nose, it is more likely that they are fighting a cold, flu, or seasonal allergies.

Rash Anywhere Besides the Face

If your child ends up with rashes anywhere other than their face, there might be something else going on. 


A lot of people believe that teething can cause diarrhea. It’s more likely your little one picked something up with all the increased chewing, and it might be time to call their pediatrician.

Extreme Discomfort

Teething shouldn’t cause excessive bouts of crying. Sure, they’re likely to be more uncomfortable and more irritable than normal. But if they aren’t sleeping well and cannot be comforted, there might be something else going on.


For a long time, people thought that a low-grade fever goes hand in hand with teething. But that’s not really the case. Ignoring a fever can cause a delayed reaction for more serious issues, such as ear infections or urinary tract infections. 

Remember, it never hurts to get a fever checked out. Your child’s pediatrician won’t blame you for bringing your little one in, even if it turns out to be a false alarm. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Teething Myths

Contrary to popular belief, teething doesn’t cause things like diarrhea, a runny nose, or a fever. It also doesn’t increase the chances of your child getting viruses. Yes, it’s common for viruses to start popping up around the time those first teeth make their way through the gums, but that is usually due to the fact that the antibodies that they had from their mother are slowly dissipating. Plus, they’re chewing on everything, effectively exposing themselves to everything they possibly can.

When To See the Dentist

When those first teeth appear, it’s time to give their dentist a call. Your child’s first appointment will be more to get them adjusted to the environment than anything and to answer any questions you, the parent, might have. Having a good foundation for your child’s dental care can make a world of difference as they grow!
If you have any questions or need to get your child in for their first dentist appointment, be sure to contact us. Requesting an appointment takes just a few clicks! We have locations in Omaha, Kearney, North Platte, Hastings, and Grand Island.