5 Reasons Your Child Might Need an Early Orthodontic Evaluation

Early orthodontic evaluation.

Does my child need an early orthodontic evaluation?

All you want is for your child to be healthy and happy as they grow. When it comes to their teeth, you want their bite to form properly and their jaws to be perfectly aligned. But sometimes, whether due to accidents, genetics, or habits, that just doesn’t happen. When your child is having issues with their bite, deciding how soon to act can be hard. If the problem is one that will continue to worsen as your child grows, it is in their best interest to start orthodontic care while they are still young. Some issues are actually easier to fix while your child is still growing.

But what are the signs that your child might benefit from early orthodontic care? Your pediatric dentist will recommend that your child receive an orthodontic evaluation by 7 years old. But sometimes, it’s best for treatment to begin even earlier than that. 

An Orthodontic Evaluation Identifies Potential Issues

Having early evaluations of your child’s oral health will allow your dental team to identify any orthodontic problems and assist you in creating a plan of action. There are typically three outcomes to these evaluations:

  1. Your child’s dentist determines that nothing needs to be done. 
  2. They find something that needs to be dealt with in the future. 
  3. They determine that your child needs early orthodontic intervention. 

Remember that if this is the case, you want to address these issues before they become more complex. Especially considering some issues are easier to repair while your child still has their baby teeth. If the problem is severe enough, waiting can end up creating lasting problems for your child’s jaw.

But what are the reasons that your child could end up needing early orthodontic care?

1. Aligning the Bite and Guiding Jaw Development

Your pediatric dental team will keep an eye out for any signs that your child’s jaw is developing improperly. Genetics, injuries, or thumb-sucking can all be contributing factors. Over time, this can create a severe overbite, underbite, or crossbite. And left untreated, these conditions can affect speech patterns and chewing ability even into adulthood. 

2. Holding Space for Permanent Teeth

Genetics typically determines the order that teeth erupt, but the position of the other teeth and habits such as thumb-sucking can disrupt this pattern. If the teeth come in at unusual intervals, it may indicate a higher chance of misalignment. Additionally, if your child loses a baby tooth too early, other teeth may shift into its position before the adult tooth can erupt. In either of these cases, your child’s dentist might determine that early orthodontic care might be best to keep the teeth in place. This will ensure the permanent ones have enough room to come in properly.

3. Preventing Future Complications

When a misalignment is severe enough, it can create additional problems down the line. A too-narrow jaw, for example, requires a time-consuming and costly process to fix as an adult. It can also be harder for your child to chew their food properly, or even affect their self-confidence. This is where early intervention from your dentist can set them back on the right track. 

4. Enhancing Overall Dental Health

Early intervention can drastically enhance your child’s overall dental health. Severe misalignment makes the daily brushing and flossing much harder. Stray pieces of food and bacteria can hide in places your child might not be able to clean well, slowly but surely wreaking havoc on their enamel. Not all children are expert brushers and flossers, so having a straight, easy-to-clean smile makes good oral health easier to maintain.

5. Boosting Self-Confidence

Though you likely do everything you can to teach your child not to compare themselves to others, it tends to happen anyway as they become more aware of those around them. If your child has a severe bite misalignment, it can negatively impact their self-confidence. So naturally, you want to do everything you can to boost that confidence and help them feel good about who they are!

Time To Prepare for Success 

Children are constantly changing and keeping parents on their toes. We want to do everything we can to set your child up for success! And if that involves early orthodontic care, we’re ready to do whatever it takes. Don’t be afraid of that early orthodontic assessment. Remember that it never hurts to have a plan, and it could go a long way in helping your child smile confidently throughout their life.

Whether it’s time to get your little one in for their regular cleaning or you need to discuss orthodontic options, Pediatric Dental Specialists of Kearney is here for you! You can set up an appointment in just a few clicks.